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Keeper's Fate (Silver Ones Curse Book 2) Page 2
Keeper's Fate (Silver Ones Curse Book 2) Read online
Page 2
“So, these are orcs? They are repulsive! I can smell their rotting flesh from here!” Sanu yelled before stepping away from the crack on the wall.
“This will not be easy. Orcs without a master are dangerous. They will even rip apart each other. But these are far worse. They were not even told their purpose.” Denias continued. “We have very little time. If they get any closer, we will not be able to outrun them.”
“Kalon, help Woldiniar now! Please! You can mock him later.” Sebial yelled with concern. She looked over at Woldiniar covered in sweat. Numerous glowing strings wrapped his arms and the door.
The ground began to shake from the approaching orcs. They could hear their grunts get louder.
Kalon uncrossed his arms. “I guess I could help now. He has been at it for a few hours. I would hate to see someone as cute as you get devoured by something as atrocious as an orc, or whatever those are.”
Sebial and the others glared at Kalon. His careless words left them feeling unsettled. Kalon placed his hands on Woldiniar’s shoulders.
“RELEASE!” Kalon yelled, his words undulated throughout the room. Woldiniar fell to the ground. The magic once wrapping around his arms was gone. Kalon placed his hands on the door and closed his eyes; his hands began to glow.
Woldiniar looked up to see who pulled him from the web.
“YOU!?” Woldiniar jumped up and looked at Kalon, whose focus was solely on undoing the spell.
“It was you? After all these centuries, you still exist!?!” Woldiniar continued to yell at Kalon, whose focus was only on the door.
“Woldiniar,” Sebial walked up to him. Gently placing her right hand onto his shoulder. “We are about to be attacked by orcs. Kalon is helping us. We can speak of the rest later.”
Woldiniar nodded his head. He urgently walked over to Denias and Sanu as they peered through the cracks. “How many did you count?”
Denias stared at Woldiniar. “Too many. It is hard to see with the moon slowly leaving. I do believe Elin is right to say there are at least a hundred. They are not orcs of the traditional sense; they were not made properly. We need to be ready to run as soon as this spell is undone. I believe this exits into the mountains. If I am correct, then we will head that way.”
“I agree. It will be simpler to battle in a position beneficial to few.”
Sanu interrupted. “Who should we place in the front and back of the group?”
Woldiniar glanced around. They still had their weapons on them.
“I am uncomforted by the fact we were allowed to remain equipped. I know the mountains have traps, yet, I cannot help but question what game Nalenero is playing.” Woldiniar scratched his head. “I suppose we will have to play his game for now. Elin, who is the fastest and strongest?”
Elin walked over to them. “I would have to say that would be Denias. He has been a tracker for many years. Sanu is fast and can fire an arrow farther than any elf I know. I can use some magic, mostly healing magic.”
Woldiniar thought long and hard. “This is what we will do. Sanu and Denias will leave first since they are the fastest. They will find a good path into the mountains and get ready. Sanu will go further in and find a high vantage point so he can see us and the orcs. We will depart shortly after. Denias will wait at the bottom and stay near the back of the pack. Once we get near Sanu, we will give Denias cover for him to safely reach us. We will plan more once that is done. Can we all agree on this?”
“DONE! Shall we leave my lady?” Kalon stared at them, smiling as he reached out to Sebial.
“I guess I have no choice but to agree to the plan since the spell has been undone,” Elin responded.
“She is not leaving yet, Kalon!” Woldiniar proceeded. “We shall talk later but do not even try and get close to my student, you sneaky snake.”
“I need to keep Elin on his toes! Or is it you are jealous she might want me for a teacher since I took care of the web when you couldn’t?” Kalon asked mockingly.
“I am not having this discussion with you right now.” Woldiniar shooed him away from the door.
Woldiniar carefully opened the door and peered out. They were in the woods at the base of the mountains. He couldn’t see the village.
“It seems we are far away from the village; the mountain pass is just beyond a small patch of trees. I didn’t sense movement from that direction. Now is the time. Go Sanu, go Denias.”
They nodded and charged past Woldiniar into the night. They quickly ran into the woods disappearing from view. Woldiniar stood there in the doorway, watching to see when they entered the mountain.
“We might not be able to wait much longer, Woldiniar,” Sebial spoke in fear. “They are 10 paces behind us.”
“Sebial, I permit you. Awake.” Woldiniar smiled.
She beamed. “Are you sure?”
“Now is the time. I know you just got your bracelet back however, I think you have rested long enough now.”
Elin looked between Sebial and Woldiniar. “What do you mean by awake?”
“I sealed off her magic in order to conceal her better. It also helps her learn how to control smaller amounts. When she awakens, The Flame can easily manipulate her if her heart wavers. When that happens, she goes berserk.”
Elin looked at Sebial with fear. He scanned her body, its gentle curves. He shook his head. How can someone so beautiful be so deadly?
Sebial closed her eyes and placed her hand over her wrist. Remembering what Shalerie said, she focused on gaining armor. Kalon grew elated and cheered at her sudden change from dress to armor. Sebial’s hair began to shine like a full blue moon. She opened her eyes, what once was emerald green was now an intoxicating bright blue.
“Where did you acquire such garments?” Woldiniar spoke sternly while looking at her perplexed.
“There is only one in the land with such a gift, Woldiniar,” Kalon interjected with a smile.
Woldiniar mumbled. “Shalerie.”
“Of course! She sends her regards, Woldiniar.”
“I bet she does. Fate is cruel to me.” He shook his head.
Sebial unsheathed the sword that appeared with her armor. She held it to her forehead and prayed to The Flame. “Give me the blessing of countless warriors to defend The Flame’s, everlasting love.”
Blue flames enveloped the sword and Sebial. She grinned. “Shall we go now?”
They nodded. Sebial rushed through the door first. Smiling like a child as she quickly slaughtered the orcs to her left. Elin quickly ran out behind her and began to cut down the orcs to the right.
“So, you can fight?!” Elin called to her.
“Of course, I can!” Sebial responded before quickly knocking down thirty orcs with one swing of her sword, its flames exploding out beyond the blades reach. The orcs turned to ash from the impact of her magic.
“LEAVE SOME FOR ME!” Woldiniar shouted as he threw orbs of green light from his left hand, each one striking an orc, causing them to quickly disintegrate.
“NEVER!” Sebial yelled before laughing.
Kalon gracefully ran behind the two of them, flinging white bolts from his fingers at the orcs, each one leaving a hole in the chest of an orc. “What did you do to her, Woldiniar? She relishes in battle as much as you?”
“What can I say?! I have raised a fierce student. One who will be queen. She needs,” He went to knock down an orc, but it fell with arrows in its back. He looked up at the mountain to see Sanu readying his bow. “Where was I? Oh yes, she needs to be strong if she is to end the curse!”
Elin slashed two orcs. He smiled. “So, she will end it then? I want to see it.”
He looked over at Sebial, who was slashing the orcs obstructing her path to the woods. Elin charged ahead of her slashing the orcs coming from their right.
“This way Pasuria’s future queen!” Elin called back to her.
“Thank you!” Sebial followed him into the woods towards the mountain face.
They weaved in-between trees to s
low the orcs down to give Sanu time to fire from above.
Reaching the bottom of the mountain, Elin climbed up first, he turned back to pull Sebial up. Kalon hopped up beside them with ease. Denias and Woldiniar began to climb up behind the others. An orc reached up grabbing Denias by his leg. Denias screamed as the orc ripped his skin, causing his flesh to intertwine with the cloth of his pants. Woldiniar looked down at the orc attacking Denias. He quickly threw a green orb, disintegrating as it struck the orc. Denias quickly climbed and joined the others. Blood dripped down his leg as he went.
They continued to climb up the mountain as countless orcs followed.
Sanu stood near the top on a ledge shooting arrows to knock the orcs down; their screeches echoed along the mountain face. Denias did his best to cover them from the back, but it quickly became clear to him that orcs were made for climbing.
They reached a large cliffside below Sanu. Woldiniar let out a whistle, causing the rocks below to give way. The scraping sounds of the rock bouncing down the mountainside caused the orcs to stop climbing and stare up. They went to flee but were quickly crushed. Dust flew into the air, making everything disappear.
“That should do it!” Woldiniar yelled with a smile on his face.
Sanu yelled down to him. “I see more! It is too soon to relax, Woldiniar!”
“We must continue forward then,” Denias yelled in pain. He struggled to climb the side of the mountain.
“Denias, take it slow. We still have plenty of strength left to fight them off. We do not need you any more weakened.” Elin climbed down to be behind Denias. “I will heal you once we are further up. For now, join the others. I will watch the back.
Sebial scaled the wall to Sanu. “I will join Sanu at the top. Both of us protecting from above will ensure Denias can take his time.
“Thank you, Sebial!” Denias yelled up to her.
She looked down at them. “Of course, Denias! It’s the least I can,” Her hand slipped on a loose rock, causing her to fall. Sanu grabbed her arm before she could fall further. Sanu’s feet slid on the loose gravel, but he managed to pull her up before they could fall. Pieces of rock fell below, hitting Woldiniar in the head.
“Sebial! Now is not the time to throw things at me!” Woldiniar shouted. “I am trying to focus here! This path is too narrow for someone my size.”
Sebial looked down at him and gave him an unapologetic smile before running off with Sanu. The orcs cried out as they climbed the mountainside. Sebial slashed her sword through the air, blue flames extended from the blade hitting the orcs. They let out loud screeches while falling.
“Impressive magic Sebial,” Sanu spoke while readying another arrow. He released it, piercing an orc in the eye before it could reach Kalon.
“Thank you!” Sebial concentrated her magic into the palm of her hand, a massive blue fireball swirled, rolling from her fingertips toward her palm. She cast it at a group of orcs, the spell exploding midair, causing them to erupt in flames. The force of the blast threw other orcs off the cliff face, the creatures wailing as they fell to their demise.
Sebial hurried to the cliff to look down at the others. Her eyes scanned the path, ensuring she didn’t hit any of her comrades with the falling orcs. She froze, noticing Kalon was not there.
“Where is Kalon?!”
“He was with me a moment ago,” Woldiniar yelled up to her. “We do not have time to search for him. He is a capable warlock who does as he pleases. Maybe he ran away like he always does in these situations!”
Denias carefully went around the ledge on the side of the mountain. He noticed a cave just ahead. “We can hide in here for now.”
“I do not think it is a terrible idea, but if they come in after us, we will be forced further into the mountainside. It will put us at a disastrous disadvantage,” Elin stated before heading back down the path to check for more orcs.
Woldiniar headed into the cave behind Denias. He could hear them running up above. The screams of orcs falling made it harder to focus as it echoed through the canyon.
Elin reached above and climbed up the side. As he raised his head to look for Sebial and Sanu he noticed they were surrounded. The orcs had moved their main force after them. Elin pulled himself up and ran toward the herd. He unsheathed his sword and began to slash the unsuspecting orcs from behind as he tried to get to Sanu and Sebial.
He could hear them yelling as they fought off the orcs, their words short from exhaustion. He slaughtered a few more of the orcs.
“ELIN!” Sebial cried out as she saw him break through the line. Her body drenched in blood. “Sanu is injured. He cannot fight.”
Elin looked behind Sebial and saw Sanu barely standing up. He couldn’t tell where the injuries on him were due to all of the blood. Sanu continued to fire arrows despite missing most of the orcs.
“Let us take as many as we can. Get ready to help him to the cliffside,” Elin yelled.
Sebial nodded. Elin began slaying more of the orcs while Sebial wrapped her left arm around Sanu. His body was starting to go limp. Sebial grabbed onto him tighter, trying to keep him up but she couldn’t move his weight with her fatigued body.
“Elin, I cannot carry both of our weight. He is too injured.”
Elin ran back to them. He grabbed Sanu’s right side and quickly dragged him toward the cliffside with Sebial’s help. Sebial swung her sword at the attacking orcs, her magic slowly leaving the blade as she did. Their bodies no longer turning to ash.
“Sebial, conserve your strength,” Sanu whispered.
“It’s fine, Sanu. I have an abundance of magic within me.” She smiled at him. His face pale and beaten. Blood slowly dripping from a gash on his forehead.
Elin screamed. Right before reaching the edge, an orc grabbed his back, its nails delving in deep. Elin reflexively released Sanu causing Sebial and him to fall. Elin quickly turned around, rotating his sword in an upward slash. The blade tore through the orc’s neck. Its head fell and rolled off the cliff, leaving its body to spew blood from the neck as it slumped to the ground.
Elin turned back to help Sanu up. Sebial stared down the approaching orcs, both of her hands clutching her sword, raising it to the sky. Closing her eyes, she concentrated her power. Blue flames erupted from the blade, swirling beyond the breadth of her body. She brought down the weapon in a direct motion. The flames exploded forward, fanning along the ground, splitting up the dirt beneath her foes. As the flames scattered, the orcs burned from the feet up. Their screams reverberating around them.
Sanu lifted his hand, resting it on Elin’s arm. His face grave. “Elin, my injuries are critical. Leave me here, my friend. I will only hold you back.”
“No, you won't. We are stronger with you.”
“I would like to believe that.” Sanu smiled at Elin. He exerted his remaining strength to propel himself off the cliff.
Elin jumped to seize him; it was too fast. Sanu had disappeared in the darkness below. Elin let out a scream, calling Sanu’s name. Sebial turned around only to see Elin leaning over the cliffside.
Sebial raced over to Elin. “Elin!” She grabbed him back from the edge. “Where is he?!”
Elin looked up at Sebial. His mouth opened, yet nothing came out.
He looked back to the edge. Turning back to face her, he kept his eyes to the ground. Sebial’s eyes filled with tears. Elin slowly stood up. He took a deep breath before finding the words to say.
“We must run. We cannot stay here. More of the orcs will come.”
Sebial nodded and looked back at the hordes of orcs in the distance.
“Yes, let us go for now.”
“No, we will not be coming back. This is forever.” Elin spoke before running ahead.
Sebial glanced at the cliff. She squeezed her hand around her sword before running after Elin.
They jumped down to the ledge that entered the cave. Denias looked behind Elin and Sebial.
“I see.” Denias continued. “W
e do not have time to stop now. Continue forward.”
“I will slow them down some first.” Woldiniar looked at the cave entrance. “Hurry further in. I will close off this entrance.”
Sebial grabbed Woldiniar’s arm. “What about Sanu?! What if he is trying to climb back up?”
Without turning around, Woldiniar placed his hand over hers. “Sebial, you know better. Now go.”
She looked back at Denias and Elin, hoping they would say something to stop Woldiniar. They both looked away from her. Sebial began to cry.
Woldiniar placed his hand on the outer edge of the cave. With a quick charge of magic from his hand, the walls began to shift. He placed his other hand outstretched in front of him, a white barrier formed from his fingers creating a shield as the entrance started to collapse. He withdrew his hands, turning to the others.
“Let us go.”
Elin whispered in an elven tongue. The ground began to glow blue, lighting the way ahead of them.
"I forgot you said you could use magic, elf!" Woldiniar said with a smile.
Elin nodded. "Yes, I mainly use healing magic, but I do know some simple magic like this."
"I will take the lead." Denias began limping ahead of them.
“If you can use healing magic then why not help Denias first, Elin.” Woldiniar asked curiously.
“There is not need to heal me Woldiniar. I am slowly healing my leg within my own magic.” Denias responded firmly.
They quietly followed him through the series of tunnels. Everyone continued to walk without saying a word for many hours.
Elin let out a quiet sigh. Sebial looked up at him, her hand carefully brushing against his.
"Do you wish to rest, Elin?" Sebial whispered.
He shook his head and walked faster. Sebial looked back to the ground, slowly following behind.
"Sebial, give them time. Elves don't die often." Woldiniar approached Sebial from behind.