Keeper's Fate (Silver Ones Curse Book 2) Page 5
Looking up at Sebial, Elin saw her eyes were cold. Nothing left of her was there. She had been taken over. He tightened his fists knowing he would only win against her if he released all his magic. He centered his gravity and began to channel his magic. He could feel it rising. He closed his eyes and focused on what he had to do. He has to knock Sebial out.
“Sebial I’m sorry for what I am about to do,” Elin whispered to himself.
He opened his eyes, flames could be seen within. Facing his palms together he formed a ball of fire, the flames swirled within it. He slowly spread his hands further apart as the flames within it grew. The ground began to shake from the power his body was releasing. The flames soon began to escape from the circle. He looked through the flames at Sebial, unwavering from his power.
Hesitant by her reaction he reminded himself she was no longer under control. He focused back onto his flames, the ball slowly encompassing him.
“Let these flames return you,” Elin yelled out to her.
Sebial’s eyes grew white. Her magic began to swirl down from the sky towards him like a snake. Elin pulled his hands towards him, taking a deep breath he released his magic. The ball of flames shot forth like an arrow being released through the air; straight and powerful. The flames quickly began to separate and form smaller arrows all aiming for her.
Sebial quickly reached towards the ground. The wind shot down enveloping her in a wall of icy wind. She pushed her other hand forward and released darts of ice to stop Elin’s flames. Elin, weakened by the use of his magic, watched with hope that at least one of his arrows would hit.
Ice darts and flame arrows quickly collided in the middle of the air creating small explosions shaking the air and ground around them. Elin watched as Sebial stopped every flame.
“I have failed you, Sebial.” He looked at her, standing unfazed by his actions.
She proceeded to walk towards him, the ground began to ice as she approached.
Before she could reach him, she paused and looked to her left. Her anger grew as she stared. Elin could feel the hatred coming from her.
He looked in the direction she was staring. He could sense a strong desire to kill.
What is causing that much bloodlust?
Sebial began to walk away from Elin and head towards it.
“Sebial,” Elin called out to her.
She turned to look at him. “I will not.”
Turning away, she walked off.
Elin began to follow her.
I know I cannot stop whatever that is. It is far more powerful than Sebial. I could not even slow her down.
Elin stared at Sebial's naked body, now icy white. The winds spinning faster around her, like a cocoon. Looking at his hands, he could see how weak he was. His own flames had burned him.
He looked back up to Sebial charging ahead. He went running after her but felt how weak his body truly was. Looking down at his legs, he grew angry.
“I cannot stop here. I know she still needs me.” Elin said, determined. He began to run again with the remaining strength he had.
Sebial let out a scream. Elin ran faster. The feeling of fatigue suddenly wearing off. Sebial flew over him and landed on the ground. Her body covered with slashes and soot. He ran towards her.
“SEBIAL!” Elin yelled out to her.
He reached down to grab her, but she jumped up, running back into the direction she flew from. Healing as she ran. Her body still white. He watched as she ran faster than any before.
One week later
They came to a clearing on the other side of the forest. Woldiniar snapped his fingers, releasing Denias. He fell to the ground.
He grabbed his side in pain. “What is wrong with you, Woldiniar?! You could have been gentler or maybe not even do that in the first place! Have you considered that?!”
Woldiniar ignored Denias and walked up to the gate of the village. He placed his hand on the gate, closing his eyes, he focused his magic on the village.
It seems this village is his too. It is nearly night. This is not good. We do not need to be captured again.
“Woldiniar, what is it you sense?”
“We must hurry and get what we need and leave. Eat nothing made. We will only grab raw food. This is his place as well.”
Denias looked to the sun slowly disappearing over the valley. “That leaves little time, but let us hurry. Where shall we go for safety tonight?”
Woldiniar pointed his left hand to the right and his right hand to the mountains on his left. “Maybe there, maybe over that way, who knows.”
Denias let out a long sigh. He walked up to the gate, pushing it open. “Let us go then Woldiniar, we are no good to them if those decrepit orcs come after us first.”
Woldiniar smiled. “It would take a lot to destroy me. I am one of The Flame’s firstborn.”
The people quickly cleared the streets after they entered. “This is a rude welcoming. I wonder if this place never sees visitors.” Woldiniar cleared his throat. "HELLO TOWNSPEOPLE! MY COMPANION AND I SEEK PERISHABLES FOR OUR JOURNEY! WOULD SOMEONE BE KIND TO HELP US?!”
Woldiniar shrugged at Denias. “I guess we do not speak their language. Well, let us walk up to the stall there and grab what we need.”
Denias grabbed Woldiniar. “Let us not steal. We are already not welcomed.”
“HA! Steal?! I was just implying we shop and leave what is fair in its place.”
They walked over to a stall filled with fruits and vegetables. Woldiniar picked up a sack on the ground. He began to fill the bag up with purple round fruit. Denias looked at him curiously, “I wish for variety.”
Woldiniar paused to look at him. “Grab your own sack. No one said we had to share. I prefer this fruit. It has a sweet, gentle flavor; it is also full of nutrients perfect for someone who lives on magic. It will keep my powers going.”
“Gentle. What an interesting way to describe a glistenolia; it only can be eaten after getting sliced repeatedly. Otherwise, it will release toxic gas if peeled and kill anyone within ten feet.”
As they spoke, the villagers slowly approached. Woldiniar and Denias took note of their movement. They shared a knowing glance before continuing their debate.
“That is gentle! Could you imagine if it was like the strawleena?! Its skin is covered in seeds that turn to flying toxic needles if you do not harvest with a witch’s knife.”
A little girl grabbed a fruit and held it out to Denias. They looked down at her. Their eyes widened. Her skin was green.
“Do you see what I see, Denias?” Woldiniar stepped back from the girl.
“Yes, I do.” Denias looked at the girl and smiled. “Thank you.” He opened his sack; she dropped the fruit in it before running away to the others. Denias and Woldiniar watched as she went. They looked at the other villagers. Their skin a swamp green as well. A tall male approached from the back, his muscles protruding at every spot. His black hair shaven with a small bit left in a bun near the back. His body covered in tattoos made from scarring the skin.
Denias gulped. Woldiniar smiled, charismatically walking forward.
It seems we did not kill all the battle orcs. Yet why do they live as people? Interesting Nalenero. I sensed your magic here, yet I never imagined a place like this.
“Why do you enter our village?” The orc’s voice deep and commanding.
“We were separated from our comrades in the mountain caves. We saw the smoke rising and decided to trek here for supplies before we return to search again.”
“I see them as no threat.” He spoke to the villagers. They returned to normal activities. He looked back at Woldiniar and Denias. “Come with me.”
He turned and walked to a stone hut near the back of the village up a small hill.
Woldiniar smiled and waved at the villagers as he walked. Denias averted making any eye contact while remaining close to Woldiniar; he kept his hand on his dagger under his cloak as they walked.
Woldiniar elbow
ed Denias. He began to whisper, “Loosen up, we are in their territory. If they sense we are hostile, we will die. There is no fighting our way out of this.”
Denias glared at him. “Easy for you, you are immortal. I can live a longer life, but my life can easily perish as well.”
“That is not true. I can perish as well. So do not get me killed, elf.”
“Enter.” The orc held open a curtain. They walked into the hut. The walls covered in etching. Denias rubbed his chin while staring at the walls.
“This is elven runes. How do you know such writing?”
The orc walked over to the wall; he rubbed his hand along it. “A beautiful elf showed pity on a few of us back when the war ended. She calmed our inner bloodlust that Nalenero placed in order for us to fight. We were human before that thing manipulated our bodies. She was never able to make us look human again, but she purified our souls from thoughts of murder. She taught us the elven ways in order to keep ourselves at peace for over a hundred years before leaving suddenly one day.”
Woldiniar smirked. This is beyond insanity. An in-touch orc who seeks higher existence. I still don’t think The Flame will agree to this. She didn’t bless them; they are chasing an afterlife that will never happen since she only blesses her own.
“Is something funny, worm hair one?”
Denias laughed.
Woldiniar flattened his wavy hair down some. “You can call me Woldiniar, orc. The one laughing at your rude statement is Denias. And you would be green bun?”
The orcs lips curled. “That is not my name. I understand your frustration. Forgive me for naming you after your appearance. I am Laniit.”
“Now that, that is out of the way. Let us move on. You say you were saved by one of his kind, yet I sense Nalenero’s magic here.” Woldiniar looked at him accusingly.
“We do trade with him. The elf protected our souls, but Nalenero can still wipe us out. We are immortal thanks to the elf, but he can still remove us being he is our maker.”
“Trade? Trade what?” Denias looked at Laniit curiously.
He sighed. “I am ashamed to say it is nothing good. But we have little choice. These children need not see war. We have made our peace and wish to keep it.”
Woldiniar slammed his hands down. “What is it you trade?!”
Laniit placed his hands on his knees. He took a deep breath in. “We trade our blood for our life to remain as it is.”
“When do these trades happen?”
“Once every three nights, he sends a group of soldiers from Delandero to retrieve our blood.”
“When is the next time he is coming?” Woldiniar stood up enraged. His fists balled at his sides.
Laniit looked up at him. “Two days.”
“I will be here then, make us a room.” Black and green smoke began to leak out from Woldiniar’s hands. He turned around and stormed out of the hut.
Denias ran after him. “We cannot stay. They could kill us!”
Woldiniar turned around. “You should fear me more than them. I will be here, and we will kill two of the soldiers. I want to see where this blood goes. I need to see my dear older brother. I will kill him. These orcs are harmless. I sense no malice.”
Woldiniar walked off, leaving Denias on his own.
I do not have time to explain to a young elf why this must happen. I will kill him! He is after Sebial. I just know it. That warlock is beyond sick.
Woldiniar formed a black disc on the ground with his hand. Sitting down on it, he whistled. Denias attempted to catch up to him but he rose quickly into the sky.
I need peace for a while.
He looked down below at the village, and then his gaze turned to the south in the direction of Delandero.
I am sorry, Sebial, but I have no intention of saving you. You have all of your powers released. It is time to grow up or die.
“Do not follow her, Elin,” Rose spoke softly. “She is with the Keeper now.”
Elin yanked away from Rose. “She needs me.”
Rose giggled. “Not like you are now, Elin.”
He looked down at his burned hands. “I know I am weak, but I can still help her. Even if it costs me my life.”
Rose laughed harder. “I can restore your magic. I have infinite magic. It is one of the lovely perks of being a sprite.” She glanced down at his naked body. “I am simply referring to the fact you can not fight without your sword or clothes. Your body will be shred to pieces.”
Elin looked down. His face turned red from embarrassment. He was so focused on saving Sebial he forgot he was naked.
“Don’t be embarrassed Elin.” Rose smiled. “You should be glad to have such a body. Most men, especially elves, do not. I would know, being as old as I am.”
His eyes narrowed. “Give me back my clothes Rose. You are the most disrespectful person I have ever met!”
“That is why I am down here. To satisfy my lust for both men and death.” She tilted her head while grinning from ear to ear. Rose placed her hand on Elin's chest, gently running her fingers across his pecs. He smacked her hand off him. Rose looked at him with sorrow filled eyes. “Our time will come. Hopefully, before you leave.”
She looked down at his waist and stared him in the eyes. Elin placed his hands over his privates. She looked away and snapped her fingers. He was suddenly dressed again.
Rose let out a somber sigh. “That view was nice while I had it. Now take this and go.”
She threw a small vile at him. He looked at the peculiar teardrop-shaped vile; black liquid slowly moved about.
“What is it?”
“Magic. Your powers will be stronger than you can even imagine. It is a small token for the lovely view you gave me. And the moment of warmth beneath my fingers was,” Rose spoke with a moan, “blissful.”
His lips curled at her words. “You truly are disgusting.”
He popped the top off the vile, quickly drinking the contents. His body began to burn from within. Elin let out a scream from the overwhelming pain. His eyes strained, he looked towards Rose as he fell to the ground. She stood there, smiling at him.
“I guess I forgot to tell you,” she knelt next to him, she licked her lips. “I enjoy men in pain, so I added something extra for a little bit of my own pleasure.”
As he clawed his fingers into the ground, he could feel the shaking caused by Sebial and the Keeper fighting in the distance. He focused on the feelings coming from Sebial.
“Curse you sprite!" Elin ground his teeth, moaning in pain. He dug his fingers in deeper. His back arched as he screamed. Falling to the ground, his fingers loosened their grip, the pain was subsiding. He quickly stood up, wiping the sweat from his brow; he looked towards Sebial. His pupils bouncing in and out of focus. He could see her jumping through the air fighting a dragon.
“They are so far away, yet I can see them,” he spoke to himself. “This must be the incredible power Rose spoke of.”
“It is Elin. Isn’t it wonderful? You can see things as if they were right in front of you.” Rose shooed her hand towards him. “Now run along and go play with Sebial. When she is back under control, I will be able to return her clothes. So, for now, enjoy the view of your hidden love!”
“Vile woman,” Elin murmured aloud. He quickly took off in a sprint towards Sebial. A small grin appeared on his face. My hidden love, Rose is correct.
Two days later
“They will be here shortly,” Laniit spoke up to Denias and Woldiniar. Their bodies cloaked in the tree line outside the village. The waning moon sat low in the sky.
“Are we sure about this Woldiniar?”
“Yes, Denias. When they return to leave, we will quickly use your traps on the last two soldiers. We will drop down, putting ourselves in their place. I have incredible concealing magic. The other soldiers will see and hear those comrades even though it will be us speaking. Just make sure when you grab them, you are not spotted by the others.”r />
Denias nodded before leaning back into the tree, hiding his presence. Woldiniar watched as Laniit stood calmly with two female orcs outside of the gates. Each female held an hourglass black bottle filled with blood.
I hear the horses. It is almost time. If anyone messes this up, I will slaughter all of them. I cannot afford failure.
Woldiniar held his hand up in front of him, black smoke fell from his hand, slowly wrapping itself around him. He blended in with the trees.
Laniit straightened his back and nodded to the trees.
That is the signal. He can no longer sense us. Good, now we wait. They sounded to be on the outskirts of the woods.
Woldiniar glanced over the walls of the village. Every light was out. He thought back on the last few days in the village.
If it wasn’t for the hideous looks, you could say this was a normal village. The children playing games with sticks. That brought me joy. It reminded me of the last time Sebial played with children. Her face red in anger when I turned their hopscotch game into dancing stick puppets.
He smiled to himself, holding back a laugh.
She was such a fiery little girl. Everything I did angered her. But what choice did I have? Her life was always in danger. I couldn’t let her look at anything with a normal human’s point of view. I showed her she couldn’t even trust a simple game of hopscotch to stay safe. If it wasn’t a festival, I would have turned those stick figures rabid just to have her use her magic. But with those figures there watching, I couldn’t risk them finding out she was blessed by The Flame.
He looked towards the dark path in the trees, metal clinging every time a horse stomped. The figures slowly became visible in the moonlight. Woldiniar quickly began to assess the group.
Seven, no make that nine. Two in the front on horseback, they seem to be basic wizards; their books are sticking out of their bags. Tacky. One pulling the carriage, two inside both well-armed. That is fine. I am not after the blood you will be transporting within. Four in the back on horseback. Interesting. They seem very underequipped; two bow users and two have nothing. Must be used to the monotony of this little job. That will change tonight, though.