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Keeper's Fate (Silver Ones Curse Book 2) Page 7

  The Keeper looked away unamused. “Draco is another name for dragon. You think you are funny, half-elf. You may call me Hweniolus. That is only a piece of my true name. The rest does not matter.”

  Elin nodded. “Then tell me, Hweniolus. Why are you sure her curse will remain?”

  “It is a long story of what brought me to this other realm. One even the elves do not watch over.”

  Elin’s head tilted. “My brethren do not watch the entrance to your realm?”

  “There is no need to watch over what they do not know exists. We are hidden by The Flame. At the beginning of this world, there were many dragons that ruled the lands. Each head dragon was given a task by the dragon king, who followed the will of The Flame. The dragon king was a glorious ruler who ensured peace amongst the lesser races. With his strong guidance, we ruled and watched over the land.

  “I oversaw a race of humans in the Northern lands far North of Pasuria. The Flame wished my tribe to teach the humans in that land about peace. Those humans were destructive, showing no mercy to those who were different. Overhunting to the point of starvation.

  “They were a very naïve bunch who listened to anyone with power and would do as they would be told. It was a difficult task given to us, we did our best to change them, but we knew we would forever have to monitor them, or their ways would regress. We pleaded with the dragon king to ask The Flame to allow us to remove that group. We heard there was a king over those humans who was raised by the elven council. He was wise and knew how to speak to his people in a way that caused us mighty dragons problems.”

  Elin interrupted. “In what way could a simple human overpower a dragon's strong will?”

  Hweniolus glanced down at Elin. “You will learn that truth in time. Now, this human king caused us many issues. Every day we would return to find the humans back to their wicked ways. One day it changed for us, though. He had men from his village go and attack our hatchlings while we were away from the tribe lands to hunt. When we returned, only two of our hatchlings remained. The other twelve of them were gravely injured. The other thirty-five were missing. The dragon king arrived to end the suffering for those twelve. We searched for days to find the hatchlings, we failed to find them.

  “Our king became enraged by the human’s actions. The dragon king returned to The Flame. This time he said our tribe would be removing those humans who seek to harm the young. The Flame wept over the loss of our young yet ignored his plea. The dragon king left angered by The Flame’s naïve wishes to keep the humans.

  “The dragon king returned, informing us of the uprising he desired. He allowed the other tribes to decide on their own which side they would protect. None of the tribes turned their back on the dragon king; we instead left The Flame.

  “The young and the hatchlings from all the dragon tribes were placed in another land that had the power to hide their presence from the humans. We guaranteed we would forever protect them in return for saving our young from bloodshed.

  “We arrived at the land of those humans, but we were not prepared for what was there. The Elven Council was standing alongside the human king along with three of the original thirteen warlocks. Many races had been planning to destroy us.”

  “Why would they seek your destruction if they knew you were only following The Flame’s will?” Elin asked.

  Hweniolus looked down at Elin. “Power, they wanted power to become superior, something The Flame didn’t wish.

  Elin looked down at his feet and then back to Hweniolus. Hweniolus continued telling his tale.

  “A war broke out, lasting over a hundred years. Most of the older dragons had been slaughtered near the end of the war.

  “Our king fought hard but was killed as he tried to rip apart the portal they made. The younger dragons had been captured and taken through a portal made by the warlocks and elves. The human king left with them.

  “After the war had ended, The Flame punished Sebial’s family and punished my few remaining brethren and me. I was sent here for being the one who failed that race of humans. The others were put into an eternal sleep within the mountain where The Flame lives.”

  “Sebial’s family was a part of the war?!” Elin asked angrily. Squeezing his fists together. “I was not aware she went against your kind.”

  “No, they were not a part of the great dragon war. Sebial’s ancestor did something far worse, but that is not the tale I am telling.

  “After being sent here, I tried for centuries to escape, but instead, I am trapped with the ones who the dragons waged war with. This is our punishment. Those like you who enter while living will eventually perish. Your bloodlust will start to form. In the process, your soul will be torn to shreds. When that happens, The Flame’s prison wins. That is why I know you and Sebial will never win.”

  Elin pointed at Hweniolus. “You only lost hope, Hweniolus. Sebial and I have hope. I will return your hope to you. I know it is somewhere still in your soul. For if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be able to learn of your past living in a life of peace.”

  Hweniolus looked away from Elin. Crossing his arms, he rested his chin on them, looking away from Elin.

  “Do you still doubt me?” Elin questioned.

  Hweniolus glanced over. “Indeed, Elin. I know what you ask is too much of me. I have accepted my fate. As will you in time.”

  Elin walked in front of Hweniolus. Calmly approaching, he rested a hand on Hweniolus’ long snout. He took a deep breath before speaking. “I will undo mine and Sebial’s fate. I will do the same for you as well. The punishment given to you and your brethren was unfair. What was done was centuries ago. I know The Flame has since forgiven.”

  “You know not of The Maker’s true self. She isn’t as kind as you believe. Those of us whom lived for over a millennia know that to be true.”

  “Over a millennia is a long time, but I promise she has changed. Thank you for telling me your story, I know now there is hope for you.” Elin gave a gentle smile before walking away.

  “I will be going through your memories now. Do not stop me.”

  Hweniolus laughed. “Enjoy your time there. You will see my punishment cannot be undone.”


  Three months later

  “How much will it cost to have scouts placed at these locations?” Denias pointed to a map of the kingdom and surrounding territories.

  A tall man wearing a white suit with a purple sash and a gold crown looked down at the map. He looked back up to a man standing in the far corner wearing leather armor. He stepped forward. “King Carthin, after everything Denias and Woldiniar did for us, I can make it happen. I would give more, but since Woldiniar did destroy half of the castle, I have to keep an ample amount of soldiers here to protect you.”

  “I understand. Thank you, Mathious. Please do not call me king. Up until two months ago, we were equals.” Carthin stepped over to the window, he looked down at the town below.

  “I understand. Yet, you are now king, and I will treat you as such. I am glad you were chosen instead of I. This kingdom would be taken over by neighboring kingdoms if I had it. I am meant to be a palace guard. Nothing more. You were always destined for more. I am truly glad the elders noticed as well.”

  Denias rolled up the map. He tapped it on the table getting both of the men’s attention. “I agree with Mathious. You were incredible after the castle collapsed. I never would have found Woldiniar if it wasn’t for you taking the lead and telling everyone what to do in order to rescue the wounded. I look forward to doing trades with your kingdom in the future. As just a traveling elf that is. I do not have the authority to tell the elven king to trade.”

  They laughed. Carthin composed himself, his expression grave as he spoke to Denias. “I have heard Woldiniar still hasn’t woken. I have the kingdom's high mage, Zaliana, and the best wizards from the kingdom caring for him. His life is still very weak. They have added crystals to his room to increase the amount of magic being placed in his body. I do not know
much about those that wield magic. I know they require a decent amount to stay alive, unlike us humans.”

  “That is correct, we will not live without magic. We can survive without food for weeks but could perish if starved of magic. I do not know how much magic a warlock would need to heal, but I greatly appreciate it. For now, I will head out with the scouts to search for our lost comrades.”

  Denias and Mathious headed to the stables, stopping along the way to check in on Woldiniar.

  A young mage wearing purple robes with long black hair and tan skin stopped Denias as he opened the door to Woldiniar’s room. “You cannot enter. We are wearing these necklaces. They act as a barrier and protect our magic. The devices in there will strip you of your magic and give it to him.” She stepped out and shut the door behind her.

  Mathious stood between them. “Denias, this is Zaliana. She is the high mage you were informed of.”

  “Thank you for caring over him. He is normally more of a handful,” Denias laughed.

  Zaliana stood tall. “It is my duty. I believe he will be awake in a week or two. We doubled what an elf would normally require.”

  Denias thought about that for a moment. “He is old, but would it not be better to triple it? He is one of the original races. Older than the elven and dwarf race.”

  She tapped her necklace. “I do not think this amulet will protect us from that strong of magic, but we can try.”

  Denias grabbed her hand. “Thank you, now I believe it will be two weeks. With the output you had before, it would take a few months.”

  “Whatever you require to help him, I will get it. For now, just make a list and get it to me upon my return. I shall return by nightfall.” Mathious bowed to the mage before walking away.

  “Thank you.” Denias bowed. “If he wakes before I return, please tell him the search continues.”

  Denias hurriedly walked to catch up to Mathious.

  They reached the stables. Denias stopped at the entrance, surprised by the number of men waiting, “This is more than I thought you could spare.” He spoke while looking at thirty men ready on their horses.

  “This is not many. This is nothing. These are just some of our best scouts. They are also great at combat, just in case. I have supplied you with enough provisions for three weeks. I do hope I will see you before then.”

  “I as well, Mathious. At this point, I feel it might be a lost cause.”

  Mathious smacked Denias across the back. “If that is what you truly felt, then you wouldn’t have been searching these last few months. You would have given up.”

  A stable boy approached them, holding the reins to a black horse. He held the reins out to Denias. “I guess this is my horse.” The boy nodded and backed away. Denias mounted the horse. He looked up at the castle before turning to the mountains.

  I will find you both. I promise. Woldiniar, hurry your old self up. I could use a warlocks help in these caves. I have gotten stuck more than once.

  “Let us go!” Denias called out to the men. They yanked the reigns, the horses bucked. Mathious and the boy back away, allowing the men to charge off the castle grounds.

  “Bring them home,” Mathious whispered.


  “Sebial, wake up now,” Rose spoke softly to Sebial.

  She slowly opened her eyes and gazed up to see long black hair and red eyes.

  “Rose? Why am I on the ground?” Sebial got up and looked around. She saw dragons walking by the trees in the distance. “Where are we?! This land is not the same. Where is Elin?”

  Rose pointed over her shoulder. “He is lying there behind me. We are in the same land Sebial. Elin did all of this. He returned the land.”

  Sebial walked over to Elin. “Elin, wake up. We need to leave this place now.”

  “He will not wake up. Much happened since the rage, the deepest part of your heart woke up. You are quite powerful, but you have no guard on your heart, so you are weak,” Rose spoke without care.

  “The rage in my heart? What did I do?” Sebial asked, concerned.

  “This place feeds off the fear and anger in one’s heart. It’s how this land survives. I have made peace with that part of my heart so I can live with no remorse or fear. I am me.” Rose pointed to herself with a smile. “You, on the other hand, do not coexist or block those feelings. I do not know what caused your fear to grow, but the realm sensed it and dived into your heart. It pulled those emotions up and intertwined them with this world. Upon doing so, you woke up the Keeper. Elin stopped you. Now a piece of his soul is with the Keeper. He is trying to undo the Keeper’s anger so you both may leave. I do not think it will be undone so easily.”

  “Where is the Keeper?”

  Rose pointed towards the sky. The Keeper was surrounded by a white fog.

  “Elin trapped him in a fog of warmth and healing. While Elin is within the Keeper’s memories, his soul will be safe from any tricks the Keeper tries thanks to the fog stopping this realms malicious ways.”

  Sebial sat down next to Elin. She looked up at Rose.

  “I am sorry for causing so much trouble. Woldiniar has told me I need to work on guarding my heart. It is something I didn’t think would ever take over. Now that it has, I have caused this realm and Elin problems. I shouldn’t have allowed him to go on this journey with me.”

  Rose chuckled. “You are still young. These things were bound to happen given the enormous power you have within. It is one strong enough to defeat the Keeper. If you had control over it, that is.”

  Sebial looked at the Keeper. “You are saying I could defeat him?”

  Her smile turned serious. “Yes, it is one that could. But you need centuries to master it. I know your family lives a long time, unlike most humans, but it is not long enough. I could grant you a longer life. Doing so would come at a steep trade.”

  “What sort of trade?”

  Rose rested her chin on her hand. A bubble formed under her allowing her to sit. “So, you are curious, I see.”

  Crossing her legs, Rose looked around. “You would have to bring this land back to living. This land has been punished for too long. Seeing it back to what it was has affirmed that we need to be free.”

  Sebial looked around before looking at Rose. “You and the Keeper are strong enough to do that without me though.”

  “Well, we are, and we are not,” Rose said while making her hands go up and down like a scale. “The Flame removed the powers we need to fulfill that. But you are not supposed to be here. You could set us free. I know you would have to leave this place before it could be done. There are things in the land of the living that need to be corrected before that could happen. Your journey is only just beginning. I would not expect to see you return until thirty years have passed.”

  Sebial stood up. “What do I need to do now then?”

  Rose smiled. “Pull Elin from within the Keeper. He sent a piece of his soul. With the help of my magic, you can set him free. But before you can do that you need to place your own barrier around the one Elin has on the Keeper. Removing Elin could cause that barrier to fall. Once that is done, I will take you both to the exit. There you will find your friends and go through your journey. I will make sure you remember us when the time is right. Until that point, you will have no memory of ever being here.”

  Sebial looked shocked. “I could never forget you, Rose.”

  “You will have no control over that. If you wish to leave and return safely, this is the only way.”

  Sebial nodded. “I understand. This place is of another realm made by The Flame. I serve The Flame and wish to do so in peace. I do not wish to add any more curses to myself.”

  Sebial grabbed onto her bracelet.

  “Help us escape.”

  Rose popped the bubble with her finger. Standing before Sebial, she smiled. “Drink this. It will bring out your powers for a short time while keeping your bloodlust under control.”

  A vial appeared floating above Rose’s palm. It spun e
ver so slightly. It's liquid a light pink. Sebial grabbed the vial. Twisting the top, she put the vial to her lips.

  “Before you drink it, know that I will return you to this place when the time is right. We have a deal set. This vial also holds the power to remove your memories after you escape.”

  Sebial pulled the vial from her lips. “Thank you Rose. I will do what is right.”

  She returned the vial to her lips. Lifting the vial up the liquid poured into her mouth. Sebial held it there for a moment before swallowing it. She dropped the vial, it shattered on the ground. Walking past Rose, she stood underneath the Keeper. She raised her hands above her head. She focused on the barrier she wished to create, one of eternal sleep. She released her magic; blue flames rose from her hands, braiding as they went up. The flames wrapped around Elin’s barrier. They stopped. Once frozen in place, Sebial lowered her hands.

  She looked over at Elin. She reached a hand to him. Her flames slowly wrapped around his body. Closing her eyes, she searched for the piece of his soul he had put into the Keeper.

  At the center of his soul she found the missing part. She placed a flame there that then shot a string into the Keeper. Following the thread, she saw Elin walking along with the Keeper’s memories. She wrapped the string around him pulling his soul back to his body. She placed the piece of his soul where it once was, causing Elin to wake up.

  Elin looked around. He noticed Sebial covered in blue flames, her hair dancing within them. He jumped up.

  “Sebial, what have you done!” Elin said while angrily walking towards her. “We will never escape now!”

  “What makes you say that?” Rose asked.

  “Hweniolus told me we would never leave. I was going to set him free and now that I am here, I cannot!”

  “Hweniolus, huh?” Rose smiled. “You learned the Keeper's name. He must like you.”

  “Elin, Rose knows a way out. I have already vowed to return in order to save this place,” Sebial said while returning the flames into her body.